KAM Leased & Tenanted 2024

February 6, 2024

Westminster Chapel



Join the key decision-makers from the UK's Leased and Tenanted pub sector at the third 'Leased & Tenanted SPOTLIGHT' on Tuesday 6th February 2024 in central London.

Senior level execs from the big 6 pub companies and the larger Family Brewers, representing over 8,500 leased and tenanted pubs, will share insights and discuss the key issues facing the sector.

The 2023 event saw pub companies come together to hear the latest results of 'The Licensee Index', an annual research programme carried out by KAM, with passionate and insightful panels discussing the implications for their businesses and the industry as a whole.

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raised for charity


Emma McClarkin, OBE, BBPA

Steve Alton, BII

Kate Nichols, UK Hospitality

Jonathan Swaine, Shepherd Neame

William Robinson, Robinsons

Salle Wrobleski-Brazel, Stonegate

Michelle Gilmour, The Olde Windmill

Sean White, Queen's Head

Sam Hagger, Beautiful Pubs Collective

Vicki Mayrick, St Austell's Brewery

Toni Naylor, Thwaites

Karen Bosher, Livelyhood Pub Group

Peter Martin, Peach 20/20

Steve Orme, Red Lion Shepperton

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